Cold Formed Steel Studs
Metalleve Wall Systems specializes in the fabrication and assembly of metal panels for walls, offering innovative and efficient solutions for both interior and exterior construction projects. With a focus on time and cost efficiency, their technology-driven process ensures optimized resource usage while adhering to strict building standards. Metalleve represents a forward-thinking approach in the construction industry, prioritizing sustainability and quality.
Why Metalleve?
Metalleve Wall Systems offers a design-led approach that transforms construction efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Their system simplifies the design process, allowing for the use of local, less skilled labor, thereby reducing human resource costs and fostering community job creation. Compliance with building codes becomes straightforward, and the pre-integrated standards in their system minimize engineering costs and delays. Additionally, Metalleve’s commitment to reducing waste not only lowers material costs but also significantly benefits the environment.
A rapidly high performing solution for producing framing and trusses in heavy residential and light commercial buildings. The F450iT has been designed to handle the heavy gauge steel required to construct 1 to 7 story structures and outputs 3-5/8” and 6” profiles. Suitable for heavy high walls, heavy trusses, heavy flooring and short span flooring; The framing product produced by the F450iT is a boxable section, making assembly for heavy building requirements easier. The F450iT offers full framing capabilities with 11 tooling punches and the option of an additional custom tool (on request at time of purchase of manufacturing system).

FRAMECAD Possibilities